A surprise parcel from sweet
Lauren. and what a lovely suprise! WOW! thank you so much Lauren, this has cheered me up immensely, both the goodies and your lovely gesture. Isn’t
snail mail the best thing ever? Look at that the packaging, it makes me want to start tearing my maps and draw on it hehe =) I'm such a procrastinator. Still can't find time to take proper photos and transfer them to my laptop and submit them to
Inspire April Project =( But for now just stick to them photos below
the ones I received
the ones I send out
and me of course =)
a birthday package I did for a friend
I am looking for pen friends! I’m looking for people to swap packages with me. Send me a few things you like, things you feel I would love.
So if you're interested you can email me at youlovednone@gmail.com